Friday, June 5, 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Corny! Corny corny corny corny corny! ... In all the right ways!

J. J. Abrams successfully revives the franchise a mere 2 years after it had supposedly retired (that's some retirement!). Star Trek (2009) (re)introduces all of the (old) cliches and characters of the original in an all-out fun entry into the franchise. Lennard Nimoy even returns, reprising his role as Spock - which is, of course, the logical choice.

One of the most important things to realize in watching this film is that it wasn't trying to be the next Matrix or Jurassic Park. Yes, it's classified as an action type sci-fi movie, but that doesn't mean "action" first. Star Trek (2009) is clearly a throwback to the original series and it makes no mistake in hiding that fact. The greatest pleasures will come in watching the new actors, mimicking the old, throw out all the characteristic lines of the original crew. It even revives all the old catch phrases - though, sadly, it fails to bring in my favourite (yet never actually used) catch phrase "beam me up, Scotty". Also, they could've done a little more work to have poor Chekov say "nuclear wessels" if for nothing else than to have the audience squeal in delight. For SHAME Abrams, for shame!

Star Trek is one of those films that's a guilty pleasure for those who are aware of the original series but aggravatingly stupid for those who are not. Yes, that means this movie's not for those who don't know what Star Trek is (if these people exist), but that's not really a problem since those people aren't really the target audience. Not appealing to an audience you're not aiming at is hardly a fault of a film (though you'd never guess that by the vehement criticisms leveled at films that do just that). In fact, i'd say the opposite is true: far too many films are ruined by (what i call) "focus group" writing that aims to please all but fails to please any. To see a director and writers take a different stance is actually very refreshing. It's a shame it doesn't happen more often.

I'm not going to ruin the plot, but suffice it to say, it has everything you'd expect from an old star trek episode, including the inexplicable mission in which two named characters go off to perform a dangerous task with one unnamed character. Sure, we all know Ensign Johnny is going to die, but it's fun because he's so blissfully unaware. Additionally, Kirk will invariably save the day (while showing up virtually everyone else) and Spock will comment on how very logical the situation was... but admit to having some feeling to it anyway.

The whole thing is stock star trek at it's finest! In fact, my one qualm can be summed up thusly: sure Chris Pine does an ok job as Captian Krik but...

Where. Was. William Shatner's. Iconic. Dialog?

I. Missed it. So.

He. Brought. Such. Life. To. The role. Of. James, T. Kirk.



Oh, mercy.

Well, it was interesting to re-visit the series, i do have to say i can't see how this can be a novel idea for more than a movie or so. Yet, the actors have already signed up for an additional 2. Guess it's the curse of the new hollywood who refuses to take a chance and will only produce sequels. Sure it's PLAUSIBLE that the sequels will be good, but more than likely they'll be barely watchable (thanks, in part, to the dreaded disease "sequelitis" - Either way, we're going to get 2 more movies, so we might as well get used to it.

As for my rating, the original series was definitely a 'B' production, and that's what this movie deserves: a B. That's 7 and a half out of 10 phasers... set to fun!


Don't "boo" me!

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